Wash your feet in one of the many giant clam shells after walking through the daily raked sand of our grounds, smelling the scent of the flowers, listening to the local childrens' schools chanting and singing, the distant braying of the local donkeys and ruminate on the call to prayer from the town's mosques. It all becomes quite magical in this quiet sanctuary of a space. Then relax with a chai tea, our chef's ginger infusion or a glass of wine or beer with some delicious home made snack or tempting coconut cake.
The garden at Fatuma's is full of wonderful trees and plants. From mature baobabs, ornamental and coconut palms, cactus, bougainvillea and a wide selection of indigenous Kenya plants that attract insects, birds and monkeys.
These include:
Flamboyant, Walking palm, Frangipani, Ginger, Heliconia, Hoya, Hibiscus, Croton, Desert rose, Basil, numerous ferns and a variety of ornamental palms.